Donating with TaxGift
Donating your tax rebate to RYALT is a great way to make your gift go even further.
We’ve partnered with TaxGift to make this as easy as possible for you! TaxGift lets you donate your tax refund from any donations to the Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust in just one easy step.
If you are an individual New Zealand tax resident who has received taxable income in the current financial year. Then you are entitled to a rebate of up to 33% on every donation you have made to RYALT.
How does it work?
Here’s how it works: for every $100 you’ve donated to RYALT, we will receive another $33 at the end of the first year. What’s more, this $33 is considered a further gift of money, meaning that around $11 is claimable the following year and so on!
After three years, your $100 donation could be worth up to $148!